Re: Further "development" update posted

vicgro10 Jul 29, 2017

Hello All,

I just started using Find_Orb and the message above that I am replying to is exaclty my issue. I don't seem to be able to get the astrometry data into Find_Orb or as stated above (I couldn't put astrometry into the clipboard
and then look at that astrometry in Find_Orb, nor could I copy. the orbital elements or the object information to the clipboard. I have just downloaded the current version about a week ago. I also can't get files downloaded into Find_Orb. In all cases In some cases the astrometrry is able to be copied from a received email. Otherwise, I get a message that there are no observations in the files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

Vic Grossi