Re: [find_orb] Windows Console version of Find_Orb

Bill J Gray Apr 12, 2010

Hi Hristo,

There wasn't a copy of the .exe posted, no. Some time ago,
I posted the source code for the console version, along with
some discussion of how to compile and use it under DOS, Windows,
OS/X, and Linux, at

with the 'in-development' version at

But I didn't post a .exe for it. (Most of the people running
under Windows have stuck with the GUI version. I rather like
the console app version myself, but that's an unusual preference;
I may well be the only person running it.)

If you go to the 'devel' URL, you'll see that I have added
a link to a new copy of find_orb.exe. As is mentioned there,
you'll still need to grab the other .zip files, plus a DLL to
enable the console functions.

Let me know if you spot problems. Console Find_Orb is well-tested
in Linux, but as mentioned above, is probably only run in Windows
by me. So you'll be beta-testing here.

-- Bill