Windows executables for 'fo' (non-interactive Find_Orb)

Bill Gray Apr 7, 2017

Hello all,

As some of you doubtless know, there's a non-interactive
version of Find_Orb, 'fo'. You can run it with the name of a
file containing astrometry, and it will crunch through all
objects in that file, writing out elements for each object.

This has mostly been used on Linux. But I recently got a
request for Windows executables. I generated them, posted them
on my Web site, and it then occurred to me that some on this
list might also be interested. So here they are :

...for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, respectively.

Download these files to the same directory in which find_o32.exe
or find_o64.exe are installed; they rely on the same configuration
and data files. Once there, you can run commands such as
'fo64 astrometry.txt', much as described at the above link.

-- Bill