A Couple of Questions about Find_Orb...

Andrew Lowe Sep 19, 2016

Hi Bill,
I've been working with the latest release (2016 March 12) of Find_Orb for a while, and have a couple of questions:
1.  For contrained orbits, can you preselect any of the individual parameters?  For example, I'd like to work with an assumed argument of perihelion, but neither "w" nor "peri" seem to work... could you add a listing of all constrainable parameters (and their abbreviations) to your writeup on find_orb at projectpluto.com?
2.  When creating an ephemeris, you can enter a three-character MPC observatory code in the latitude box to get ephemerides from that location, i.e., entering "Ven" will give you Venus-centered coordinates.  While this worked for me in previous releases, I can't get it to work anymore.  Has something changed in the latest release, or am I doing something wrong?