Bill Gray Jul 8, 2016
On 2016-07-08 14:31, aldelphi33@... [find_orb] wrote:
> On Mac OSX Mavericks (also tried it on the older Snow Leopard and newer El Capitan)
> make -f linmake gets these types of errors:
> mt64.cpp:106:19: warning: 'long long' is a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-long-long]
> mt[i] = (UINT64_C( 6364136223846793005) * (mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >> 62)) + i);
That warning ought to slide by without trouble. (Though I wish I
could figure out a way of suppressing it. There appears to be no
portable way of declaring 64-bit unsigned constants in C++.)
> However, it bombs on execution:
> % ./find_orb astrometry.txt
> Assertion failed: (edata), function get_environment_ptr, file mpc_obs.cpp, line 3868.
That indicates that Find_Orb couldn't find either 'environ.def' or 'environ.dat'.
(It loads the former when it starts up, giving default settings; then it
stores your modified settings in 'environ.dat' when it's done. This makes it
easy for me to update default settings when I have to, and means default
can usually be restored just by deleting or renaming 'environ.dat'.)
Have you downloaded and unZIPped '' or '' ? Either
of these will give you 'environ.def' and various other files required by
Find_Orb, either Windows or Linux or OS/X or BSD.
UnZIP the contents of that file into the same directory as you're running
Find_Orb, and you should be in business.
Incidentally, I'm in the process of moving Find_Orb and its underlying
source to GitHub :
"Progress" has been slow, and I don't really recommend using this yet.
Part of the problem has been dealing with dependencies and installing
libraries and include files. (Find_Orb is dependent on the 'lunar' library
of basic astronomical functions, the 'jpl_lib' library for accessing JPL
ephemeris data, and the 'sat_code' library for handling earth-orbiting
satellites.) It should be a thing of beauty once I actually get it to
work, but might be a bit scary at present. Especially on OS/X; I've
tested it on Linux and FreeBSD, but not (yet) on OS/X.
-- Bill