Re: Update posted to Find_Orb

adam_limax7 Mar 5, 2016


When I generate state vectors ephemeris (center Sun) I have different results in XV YV ZV vectors compare to results in  elements.txt

Example (elements.txt)

Orbital elements:  2016 EZ26
   Perihelion 2016 Apr 25.991590 +/- 0.0546 TT = 23:47:53 (JD 2457504.491590)
Epoch 2016 Mar  5.0 TT = JDT 2457452.5   Earth MOID: 0.0016   Ma: 0.0925
M 346.203985 +/- 0.39                                         Find_Orb
n   0.265350889 +/- 0.00728         Peri.  157.223541 +/- 0.36
a   2.398404060 +/- 0.0439          Node    66.985525 +/- 0.35
e   0.58865930 +/- 0.00738          Incl.    6.764901 +/- 0.053
P   3.71                   H 22.6   G  0.15   U  9.4 
q 0.986561204 +/- 0.000406    Q 3.810246916 +/- 0.0892
From 31 observations 2016 Mar. 1-5; mean residual 0".36
# State vector (heliocentric ecliptic J2000):
#   -1.151924729028   0.275602741425   0.138548677285 AU
#    2.365142370263 -19.131109078500  -1.145464123342 mAU/day

And ephemeris results:

2457452.50000 1.000000 1
2457452.50000   -1.1519247290    0.1977490727    0.2367444008     0.0023651424   -0.0170968099   -0.0086608609

Created Sat Mar 05 18:59:05 2016
Ephemeris start:  5 Mar 2016  0:00:00
Ephemeris end:    6 Mar 2016  0:00:00
Times are all TDT
Positions/velocities are equatorial J2000,  in AU and AU/day


ups, now I see, in ephemeris is equatorial J2000 and elements.txt is ecliptic J2000
Can I change ephemeris or settings to output in ecliptic J2000 (to implement in Celestia soft).
