Re: [find_orb] Couple of suggestions

Bill J Gray Apr 10, 2010

Hi Andrew,

> Firstly, elements.txt has a nice output of the most recent fit orbit
> which includes keplerian and rectangular/cartesian coordinates. I'd like
> to see this file get appended to when producing a series of
> monte-carlo orbit (and please keep the heliocentric ecliptic elements
> for the position/velocity coordinates!) so the net result is this
> file will have 50, 100 or whatever clone data sets.

That one was easy enough to do. Find_Orb will now create a file,
'state.txt', that is basically just a log of all the 'elements.txt'
files created for a Monte Carlo run. Some parsing will doubtless be
required to get that into Mercury or Swifter, though (dunno much about
either program).

> Secondly, there should be a way of getting a set of the planets'
> position/velocity coordinates for whatever epoch is used for the
> fitting. The main thing is that it has the exact same reference frame
> as the output asteroid coordinates.

That was a little trickier, but not much so. To get it, you'll need
to add the line


to the file 'environ.dat'. State vectors for all planets and the moon
will then be shown in 'elements.txt'.

The above is included in the 'in development' version, at

...concerning which, more in my next message.

-- Bill