Bill J Gray Apr 10, 2010
> Firstly, elements.txt has a nice output of the most recent fit orbitThat one was easy enough to do. Find_Orb will now create a file,
> which includes keplerian and rectangular/cartesian coordinates. I'd like
> to see this file get appended to when producing a series of
> monte-carlo orbit (and please keep the heliocentric ecliptic elements
> for the position/velocity coordinates!) so the net result is this
> file will have 50, 100 or whatever clone data sets.
> Secondly, there should be a way of getting a set of the planets'That was a little trickier, but not much so. To get it, you'll need
> position/velocity coordinates for whatever epoch is used for the
> fitting. The main thing is that it has the exact same reference frame
> as the output asteroid coordinates.