On 11/18/2015 07:19 PM,
some_mormon@... [find_orb] wrote:
> I use Astrometrica to take measurements. I want to use some measurements
> with find_orb to generate the orbits I can import into Stellarium but
> it wants my observatory code. I haven't received one from MPC yet. How
> can I move forward? Thanks!!!
There are a few ways to do this, but the key thing here is that you're
trying to get MPC to give you a code. So I'd suggest that you go here :
and get the current "in development" Find_Orb. You'll see a list of
changes, one of which is "'Temporary' MPC code (XXX) handled correctly".
At some point, that section links to MPC's bit about "the observation
format requires an observatory code. I don't have a code. How do I
get one?"
MPC handles this by asking that you use the temporary code XXX. You
put your latitude/longitude/altitude in as a comment line; they give
an example :
COM Long. 239 18 45 E, Lat. 33 54 11 N, Alt. 100m, Google Earth
MPC has long recognized this method of dealing with an "uncoded"
location. Find_Orb now does so as well.
Note that you _can_ just make up your own code and put it into
'rovers.txt'. But MPC will have no idea what you're talking about.
-- Bill