Re: [find_orb] Missing impact point

Tony Evans Nov 12, 2015

Bill, I have also been experimenting with the development version, mainly with WT1190F obs.

On a Windows 7 system I have the 32-bit and 64-bit versions running fine and apparently producing good results. Both versions are running with Open/File actions and with open-from-clipboard.

On Windows 10 the 32-bit version is working fine including open-from-clipboard. The 64-bit version is not working. I have tried all the compatibility options and "troublefinder" but nothing works. It is an intermittent problem - works OK about 1% of the time!

However, I'm quite happy to continue with the 32-bit version for now. The problem seems to be deep in windows and lots of people/apps seem to have a similar bug. I will send you some more info directly.

