>I saw at the minor planet 289227, that is has a MOID to Mercury of 0.0000
>How can I callculate the close approaches to Mercury.
>The ephemeris option show me only close approaches to earth. Jost
You can enter a three-character MPC observatory code in the latitude
box. Do this, and Find_Orb will ignore the longitude box and just set
your position to that of the MPC code. Use an MPC code of 'Sun' for
heliocentric ephemerides, 'Mer' for Mercuricentric ephemerides, 'Ven'
for Venus-centered (Cytherian? Venerian?), 'Mar' for Mars, and so on,
up to 'Plu' for Pluto and 'Lun' for the Moon.
Using all the obs for (289227) available on MPC database, I found with
findorb the following (289227)/Mercury close approaches:
Close approach at 2018 06 14 22:03: .08430 (AU)
Close approach at 2022 07 20 09:09: .04161 (AU)
Below the same (289227)/Mercury close approaches calculated by
2018-Jun-14 22:00< 00:01 Mercury 0.0842984804451591 (AU)
2022-Jul-20 09:00< 00:01 Mercury 0.0415575331717928 (AU)