Jost Jahn Feb 14, 2015
Hello all,
First... the on-line version of Find_Orb at
has undergone some improvements so you can customize which
quantities appear in the results. Also, you can now upload
observations from a file, rather than having to cut and paste
from a clipboard.
Second... I've set up an automated summary of current NEOCP
objects at
For each object on NEOCP, you get a link to a pseudo-MPEC
with the usual elements, residuals, and ephemerides. There
is also a summary giving enough orbital data to say, "Looks
like a comet... looks interesting... this guy has a small MOID",
This is updated hourly.
For both of these, uncertainties on orbital elements are now
almost always provided. (It used to be you only got sigmas if
the arc was long enough to allow a least-squares solution to
work.) Ephemeris uncertainties are still only provided for longer
arcs, though I expect to remove that limitation.
-- Bill