On-line version of Find_Orb

Bill Gray Jan 23, 2015

Hello all,

You can now paste 80-column MPC-formatted observations into an on-line
form, press a button, and get elements and ephemerides for the object :


I should be able to add some controls for things such as which ephemeris
quantities are shown in a bit. You're limited to Find_Orb's initial orbit,
which is usually spot-on, but you may see problems in some cases (such as
not being able to fit the entire arc of observations, for long arcs).
But for the nonce, it still may be of interest for those who don't have
Find_Orb installed on their machines, and I think it'll lead in some
useful directions in the future.

Source code will be posted once this has undergone some more use and testing.

-- Bill