Glen Deen Oct 7 12:55 PM
My background is electrical engineering, and I am “self-taught” in
celestial mechanics. This means my ignorance often become a barrier
for me.
I had been using Meeus’s parallax formulas, and I recently realized
that they are for heliocentric orbits. I am now working with geocentric
and lunicentric orbits, and Meeus’s formulas don’t work for them.
I found this paper that I suspect might help me derive some geocentric
orbit parallax formulas.
Are any of you familiar with that paper? Better yet, can you tell me
how you compute geocentric orbit parallaxes?
As a test, I want to calculate some simulated observations of the
International Space Station from different observatories and see if
find_orb gives me the same orbital elements for those observations.
Would that be a definitive test of the formulas?