Re: Orbit of 1998 SU4

pbirtwhistle Sep 20, 2014

Hi Adam,

Quite a tough call to be able to join this 5 day arc in 1998 to the positions in 2014 in one go.

However, to show that they do match up well, you can try this:

1) Open up FindOrb with all positions. FindOrb will toggle all the 2014 positions off, giving a residual of approx 150 degrees (!)

2) The MPEC gives e as 0.5804, so go into Settings and in Constraints enter e=.58. Press OK.
3) Press Full step  and the  residuals for the (still toggled off) positions for 2014 come down to about 280' in RA.

4) Toggle all the 2014 positions on, set  All perturbers On and press Full step 6-8 times and you should get a reasonable fit.

5) Go back into settings, remove the e=.58 constraint, press OK, then press Full step a few more times and you should have a good fit with no constraints being enforced.
