Re: [find_orb] Trouble downloading BC-405

Bill Gray Aug 22, 2014

Hi Ben,

As a short-term workaround, I've posted the file in question at :

(a USB memory stick in my router). Download that and extract its
contents in your Find_Orb folder, and you should be all set.

Now, as to why you can't get through with anonymous ftp on the
MPC site... I really don't know. (I'm getting through with anything
vaguely resembling an e-mail address.) But I _do_ know that there
were plenty of issues a while back, mostly involving access to the
MPCORB database. You might want to look at this : particular, at Gareth Williams' comments about anon-ftp near
the end. This is all from far enough back that MPC's methods have
probably changed a bit.

-- Bill

On 08/22/2014 10:50 PM, bennydcanada@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Hi,
> whenever I go to download BC-405 from the link on Asteroid perturbers in Find_Orb <>
> Asteroid perturbers in Find_Orb <>
> Asteroid perturbers in Find_Orb If you add asteroid perturbations in the current version of Find_Orb, you will get the following message: No asteroid ephemeris data is available, so
> View on <>
> Preview by Yahoo
> I get the expected login window, but no matter what I enter, it won't log in. I tried "anonymous" and my email address first, as advised on the page.
> Cheers
> Ben