RE: [find_orb] Problems with 2013 XY8

Tony Evans Dec 8, 2013

Yes, Bill the second problem is me forgetting about the mag limit.


And I’ve just noticed, if I put 999 in the limiting magnitude then I get a good close approach result.




From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Gray
Sent: 08 December 2013 22:04
Subject: Re: [find_orb] Problems with 2013 XY8



Hi Tony,

I am reasonably certain that the second issue is caused by the 'faint limit'
being at its default value of mag 22. 2013 XY8 only got to mag 22 on November 9,
i.e., "a few weeks in the past".

I'll have to get back to you on the close approach issue; I've not figured
that one out yet.

As it happens, I was looking into this object when it was still on NEOCP,
because I've been working on the ability to compute radar SNR in cases where
the ephemerides are Arecibo or Goldstone-centric. This object looks like a
decent radar target.

-- Bill

On 12/08/2013 04:01 PM, tony.evans@... wrote:
> For some reason the Nov 15 version does not seem to like 2013 XY8.
> I am using the first 56 obs of this object (as of 20:00 UT on 8th Dec). The Nov version comes up with an almost identical orbit as my 2012 July 29 version but:
> The Nov 2013 version refuses to detect the 11th Dec close approach (even though it is clearly shown in the delta figures for that day).
> The Nov 2013 version will not produce any ephemeris for dates more than a few weeks in the past.
> The 2012 version does not have either of these problems.
> Tony