Hello all,
I've just posted an updated Find_Orb at
This includes some bug fixes. Among other things,
asteroid perturbers weren't being handled properly. I'm
not too surprised that this went unnoticed; one has to work
hard to find situations where they cause noticeable perturbations.
Handling of WISE (C51) observations sometimes caused trouble,
too. Satellite observations are given on two lines; for some
WISE objects, the lines were swapped. I added some code to
recognize this situation and handle it properly.
Also, there's now an "All Perturbers On" button, so one
need not click on a slew of check-boxes.
Also, I've updated the documentation at the above page. I
still intend to add some examples of higher-orbiting satellites
and use 2008 TC3 as an example of how to handle impact cases,
but it's a lot better documented than was once the case.
As always, comments and bug reports are welcome.
-- Bill