Re: [find_orb] Meteor/fireball orbit determination

Bernd Brinkmann Oct 29 3:59 AM

Hello Bill

> "...Maybe a stupid question, Would Find orb be
> able to give an orbit for a bright meteor/fireball?"
> I think so, yes.
> Be advised that this is more a matter of inference than
> actual testing. There has been some interest expressed in
> getting video astrometry for meteors and determining orbits
> from the result. But nobody has actually sent me such
> astrometry, nor have I heard from someone who tried feeding
> Find_Orb meteor astrometry.

I'm serving a permanent meteor video station within the IMO-Network
since nearly 3 years now. So I could provide you with astrometry of
meteors, actually the output of MetRec and PostProc software by Sirko
Molau. I use a Mintron video camera with a 6 mm f / 0.8 lens.
Furthermore I work together with a friend of mine about 120 km away with
the same configuration and I regularly compute orbits with UFO orbit
software from SonotaCo.

I will send you more information off-list.

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann

Sternwarte Herne, MPC code A18
Herne, Germany

e-mail: info@...