RE: Lunar ejecta

alessandro odasso Sep 22, 2013

Thanks Bill and Alan for your feedback and references!
I see in Chodas presentation that 2013 GH66 is displayed in the current list of potential ARM candidates, in the 2nd group identified as "Good retrieval trajectories may be possible".
Just for fun, I made a diagram, eccentricity versus anomaly, trying to represent visually all these candidates.
Every asteroid is displayed as a circle:
Inclination is also represented in the diagram by the size of the circle.
If you click on a circle, more detailed data will be displayed. You can see all 14 candidates:
-6 in the 1st group "Good retrieval trajectories found" identified in green
-7 in the 2nd group "Good retrieval trajectories may be possible" identified in orange
- the most likely target, 2009 BD identified in red in the lower part of the diagram.
Not far from 2009 BD, we can find two "almost sure" lunar ejecta identified in purple: 1991 VG and 2006 RH120
At his right, there is 2011 MD that belongs to the first Chodas group and just above you see 2013 GH66 that belongs to the second Chodas group.
In the same diagram, you also see "unknown" asteroids (grey color) that are not currently on the AMR list probably because they do not satisfy all the AMR conditions although they have brightness and parameters a, e and i somewhere in between.
Alessandro Odasso


From: alessandro_odasso@...
Subject: Lunar ejecta
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:04:01 +0200

Hi all,
in relation to what Bill is discussing in the MPML list, I would like to know this:
- let's make the assumption that 2013 RZ53 is a lunar ejecta
Do you see any chance that asteroids 1991 VG and 2013 GH66 are also examples of lunar ejecta ?
Kind Regards,
Alessandro Odasso