Re: [find_orb] RE: Planet MOIDs bug/new version

Bill Gray Sep 2, 2013

Hi Tony,

On 09/01/2013 05:43 AM, tony.evans@... wrote:

> Three outer planets show 0
> Sa 0.0000 Ur 0.0000 Ne 0.0000

You're right. Turns out that in this case, there are five
objects with "displayable" MOIDs (small enough MOIDs that
Find_Orb shows them amidst the orbital elements on-screen).
That's the most that will fit. Find_Orb then didn't even
calculate the remaining three MOIDs, even though they're
still stored in 'elements.txt'.

It's somewhat unusual for an object to have small MOIDs
with five objects. It usually means a low-inclination,
nearly parabolic object that comes close to the sun.
C/2012 S1 isn't at a low inclination. But its incoming
path brings it close to the ecliptic as it zips past the
orbits of Jupiter through Mercury.

I've fixed Find_Orb to go on computing MOIDs for all
eight planets, even in cases like this. It's now a
"release" version, at

I'll remove the 'in development' version for the nonce,
until I make still more changes.

-- Bill