Hi Filip,
I'm seeing the same wrong impact prediction for 2008 TC3 (almost exactly
the correct time, but nowhere near the right place). I do have data for
other impacting objects (Genesis, Hayabusa, the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet
fragments on Jupiter, LCROSS on the moon), and for a few "departing"
objects such as the Chang'e 2 probe. (The departing objects are identical
to the impactors, just run backward.)
Oddly, some of them still work Just Fine; others get the correct
liftoff/impact time, but not the right lat/lon. I'm still investigating
this. It's a pretty weird bug, whatever it is.
But I have _not_ been able to replicate the 2005 UT12 crash. Would you
please send the dataset you've used and the file 'environ.dat' from your Guide
folder? I'm assuming my failure to replicate the bug is caused by my having
different settings (as found in 'environ.dat') or different data.
-- Bill
On 08/11/2013 06:39 PM, filip wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some problems with the new and not official release from July 30 2013.
> 1) The program just crash if I try to open astrometry for MBA 2005 UT12
> 2) The predicted IMPACT of 2008 TC3 is totally wrong.
> What I am missing?
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Filip
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