Re: [find_orb] Removal of ang vel display in Feb 24 2013 version?

Bill Gray Mar 8, 2013

Hi Peter,

On 03/02/2013 09:49 PM, pbirtwhistle wrote:
> I've been doing some NEOCP followup this evening (first chance since
> installing the Feb 24 version) and noticed that when clicking on a
> line of astrometry the display of ang vel (total speed and p.a. of
> motion) no longer appears, just the individual RA vel and decvel values.

Which was very definitely _not_ supposed to happen. There was
a commented-out line of code... I've fixed this, and the currently
posted version should work correctly.

Thanks for pointing this out. Anyone have other "wrong" behavior
to report? If not, I'll be making this the "official" version...

Incidentally, I've fixed one error that involved the Web site.
You may have seen that, when you turn on asteroid perturbers, Find_Orb
will give you a warning that you need the BC-405 file and point you
to some documentation on-line (unless, of course, you already have
the BC-405 file installed.) Problem was, the documentation wasn't
in place. This is now fixed :

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has tried the new features
for asteroid mass determination. I think they're pretty solid, but
it's only been tested by me. When you have code that has only been
tested by the guy who wrote the program... well, trouble usually happens.

-- Bill