
Alessandro Feb 28, 2013

Assuming that this measure is correct:

K05A17C P1983 10 08.52014 00 15 10.11 -11 49 02.4

When I concatenate the above measure with available data from MPC (actually I only can see the 2005 observations), I get reasonable
residuals for this 1983 obs: 0.04" in RA and 0.13" in Decl.

Just to be sure to use the same settings: I am still using the Find_Orb version issued on Jan 16, 2013. And I am playing with all possible perturbers on.

Can someone confirm that you also get the same residuals for the 1983 obs?

And what happens if instead of using K05A17C you assume that the asteroid actually is (95656) ? ... For the 1983 obs I get residuals
like 1.6" in RA and 3.1" in Decl

Alessandro Odasso