Re: [SPAM] [find_orb] (6995) Minoyama measurements

Ireneusz Wlodarczyk Feb 11, 2013

Hi Rob, Bill et all,
I have added observations of (6995) from R. Matson to the MPC observations,
and using the OrbFit software and adding 16 perturbing massive asteroids
similar to Farnocchia, D., Chesley, S. R., Vokrouhlicky, D., Milani, A., Spoto, F., 2012, eprint arXiv:1212.481,
I have got residuals similar to computed by Find_Orb:
date RA O-C DE O-C Obs.
6995 1956 03 10.36875 12 42 59.070 -1.207 +02 28 39.80 0.324 261
6995 1956 03 10.37431 12 42 58.820 -1.245 +02 28 41.30 0.268 261
6995 1956 03 10.40556 12 42 57.430 -1.217 +02 28 50.10 0.331 261
6995 1997 09 30.31622 20 52 06.060 0.272 -24 05 48.20 -0.230 566
6995 1997 09 30.32583 20 52 06.190 0.094 -24 05 46.20 -0.393 566
6995 1997 09 30.33537 20 52 06.330 0.059 -24 05 43.70 -0.047 566
Best regards,
Ireneusz Wlodarczyk
553 Chorzow

----- Original Message -----
From: Matson, Robert D.
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:32 PM
Subject: [SPAM] [find_orb] (6995) Minoyama measurements

Hi again,

For what it's worth, here's what I measured for 1956 and 1997:

06995 P1956 03 10.37431 12 42 58.88 +02 28 40.3 261
06995 P1956 03 10.40556 12 42 57.47 +02 28 49.9 261

06995 C1997 09 30.31622 20 52 06.06 -24 05 48.2 17.4 R 566
06995 C1997 09 30.32583 20 52 06.19 -24 05 46.2 17.5 R 566
06995 C1997 09 30.33537 20 52 06.33 -24 05 43.7 17.6 R 566

I note the run of negative-signed RA residuals for 1956, 1978 and 1981 --
all of which are pre-encounter with Isis in 1995.


P.S. For some reason, Auto-Solve does not work with this asteroid, either
with the public release version of FindOrb or the Jan-16-2013 development
version. Haven't noticed this behavior before.

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