Re: [find_orb] Broken Link

Andy Puckett Jul 2, 2012

I might be able to help with this. Are you trying to interface with the AstroArts OrbitViewer?

I'm not sure that you can see the guts of the way it works, but you might get a hint from my version:


Andy Puckett, PhD
Planetarium Director
Asst Professor of Astronomy
University of Alaska Anchorage
907-786-1838 / CPSB 202P

On Jul 2, 2012, at 5:46 PM, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> > When I try to get an orbit diagram for a potential new discovery
> > from Ephemeris -> Pseudo-MPC, I get:
> >
> > The requested URL /cgi-bin/ was not found on this server.
> >
> > This used to work.
> True. I was relying on a script on a JPL site that has been
> removed, and have been looking for a way to get around that problem.
> It _should_ be possible. The Java applet that shows orbits is still
> available, and I've been able to write static HTML code that gets
> it running with a particular set of orbital elements.
> The problem has been in getting the orbit viewer to appear with
> the orbital elements for the asteroid in the MPEC. Still looking into
> how to do that. The problem was reported to me a while back, and
> I looked into it then without success. Your e-mail prompted me to
> take another crack at it. I figured out a few things, but can't
> say my progress was very great... perhaps tomorrow! My guess is that
> there is a very simple solution that I'm overlooking.
> -- Bill

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