Tomas Apr 24, 2012
--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
> Hi Tomas, Peter,
> pbirtwhistle wrote:
> > However, the logic seems to be to start the first ephemeris
> > position with the NEXT ephemeris interval, so for instance,
> > generating an hourly ephemeris using +0 at the moment I'm
> > typing this (at 14:39 UT) would generate an ephemeris
> > starting with 15:00 UT.
> True. You _can_ have the starting time be -1h to have it
> start at the preceding step. (You have a lot of flexibility
> in how times are entered, as described at
> In general, one is best off with something unambiguous,
> such as a four-digit year and three-letter month. But the
> ability to say things like "start the ephemeris three days
> before that" or "six hours from now" can be quite useful.)
> As you mention, one can type in the MPC code in the 'lat'
> field. This is handy, if you know about it... but I should
> probably have the controls look something like
> Observer location:
> (o) MPC code [J95]
> ( ) Latitude [ ]
> Longitude [ ]
> ...i.e., you select a radio button to determine whether the
> MPC code or the lat/lon is used, with separate boxes in which to
> enter those quantities. I'll do that. It doesn't help much to
> have "nifty" features if people can't actually see them.
> -- Bill