Make Ephemeris settings
Tomas Apr 22, 2012
I have a question about the Make Ephemeris functionality settings. When I run it and create an ephemeris for an object I input the values of
- Start
- # steps
- Stepsize
- Latitude
- Longitude
and I'm wondering how these values remembered and how/if it is possible to change them. For example, the later four (# steps, stepsize, lat and lon) seem to be preserved from one ephemeris generation to next, but the Start keeps coming back to 2012 03 19 for me (even though i'm generating the ephemeris for 2012 04 23).
Is there any way this could default to the next night, e.g. +0.
Also, any chance of adding the ability of using the OBS CODE instead of lat/lon, i.e. if obs code is given it is given a preference over lat/lon values?
IASC Astronomer