Re: Formatting of text - Courier would be nicer - and 'end on return'

dkoschny Feb 21, 2012

btw - the same with the text below the observations, listing Elong, Phase etc. - it looks to me as if it were easier to read in Courier.


--- In, "dkoschny" <Detlef.Koschny@...> wrote:
> Another thing I just saw - the box in Find_orb showing the 'Orbital elements' looks messy. The reason is that it uses some non-courier font for displaying and each letter has a different width. In the examples on the web page explaining the use of find_orb the font Courier is used - which ends up in nicely aligned numbers.
> Is there any way I can set the font in the display?
> A second comment - when I type 'return' in any of the text fields, find_orb exits. Not the expected behavior, can I recommend to change that? Or is this on purpose.
> Anyway, great tool! I am enjoying it more and more.
> dvk