Re: [find_orb] Impact locations - Can't reproduce 2008TC3 example

Stefan Cikota Feb 20, 2012

Hi Detlef,

I tried it right now.
I get the following orbital elements, including the impact side.

Orbital elements:
2008 TC3
Perigee 2008 Oct 7.118796 TT = 2:51:03 (JD 2454746.618796)
Epoch 2008 Oct 7.0 TT = JDT 2454746.5 Find_Orb
q 5849.70480km (2000.0) P Q
H 30.6 G 0.15 Peri. 148.36406 -0.49887815 0.84379551
Node 330.15001 0.68889176 0.24758265
e 1.5918321 Incl. 23.41751 0.52587899 0.47614279
From 859 observations 2008 Oct. 6-7 (18.8 hr); RMS error 1.748 arcseconds
# State vector (heliocentric ecliptic J2000):
# 0.970374005564 0.241402008371 0.000101613582 AU
# -8.415065217860 17.150896635112 -0.829543285772 mAU/day
# Elements written: 21 Feb 2012 0:09:11 (JD 2455978.506377)
# Full range of obs: 2008 Oct. 6-7 (18.8 hr) (859 observations)
# Find_Orb ver: Oct 11 2010 13:08:42
# Perturbers: 00000408
IMPACT at 7 Oct 2008 2:45:42.17 lat +20.86255 lon E31.80104

To get the "impact" line in FindOrb, you need to allow using
non-heliocentric orbits. In the software settings (which you will find in
the column on the right side) there is a checkmark which needs to be
If you would like to get more precise impact data, you should checkmark
Earth and Moon in the perturbers (on the top of the window).
According to your problem with only 302 observations, I am not sure what
went wrong.
You can try to download the whole observations file of 2008 TC3 and simply
open it in FindOrb.

I hope it was helpful.

Yours sincerely,
Stefan Cikota

-------Original Message-------

From: dkoschny
Date: 02/21/12 00:41:05
Subject: [find_orb] Impact locations - Can't reproduce 2008TC3 example

Hi all,

I am a newby to Find_Orb. I am interested in the capability to use it to
create possible impact locations on the Earth, together with Guide (I have
Guide 9). However, I can't even reproduce the example given on the website
of where it says "Go to MPCOBS, request data from 2008 TC3,
copy into Find_Orb..." Actually all that works, but I get no 'IMPACT' in
Find_Orb, rather a 'Perihelion 2008 Nov 20.399...'. It only uses 302
observations, for some reason all the first observations are marked with an
X' which I assume means that they are not used.

Did anybody recently try the 2008 TC3 example at http://www.projectpluto

Maybe I am doing something wrong...

Thanks for any help, Detlef.

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