Hi Alessandro,
When creating virtual asteroids (either via Monte Carlo or via statistical ranging),
the elements for each object are always added to 'mpcorb.dat'. (They are also added
in eight-line format to 'state.txt', which also stores the state vectors and MOIDs.)
If the VA also happens to be within the sphere of influence of a planet, then the
planet-centric elements are also output to 'virtual.txt'. These are in a completely
different format, because the MPCORB one can't handle anything but elliptical,
heliocentric elements.
-- Bill
Alessandro wrote:
> Thanks Bill!
> If it can help, the previous Windows versions had also a strange behaviour; sometimes
> the virtual asteroid file was called mpcorb and other times it was a file called
> "virtual" ...unfortunately I do not remember exactly from where I downloaded those
> versions,but as you say this is not really important once the bug is corrected in
> the last version.
> --Alessandro