Hi Alessandro,
(Groan) Thank you. There is a problem here.
Unfortunately, since I hadn't heard of any bugs with the "development" version
in a _very_ long time, I just made it the "release" version mere minutes before
seeing your e-mail! I've run through MC problems in recent days (in particular,
attempting to see if P/2011 P1 can be recovered prior to its _very_ close encounter
with Jupiter in late 2010), and haven't figured out yet why MC is sometimes
behaving and sometimes not. Shouldn't be tough to fix.
-- Bill
Alessandro wrote:
> is the Montecarlo button working ?
> In a previous version, after pressing this button, the progressive number of virtual asteroids was displayed as they were calculated and the virtual asteroid file was created as well.
> After I downloaded the new version, the number of asteroids is no longer displayed and the file is not created at all.
> Any suggestion about some file that I am missing to install?
> Thanks!
> Kind Regards,
> Alessandro Odasso